PinnedRuby SAML IdPSAML 2.0 IdP implementation on Rails was one of my biggest task. At first time when I look at this…Jan 6, 20211Jan 6, 20211
Authentication vs. Authorization: What’s the Difference?When it comes to securing web applications, you’ve probably heard the terms authentication and authorization thrown around. While they…Jan 19Jan 19
Async vs. Sync Encryption: How They Work in RubyEncryption is a fundamental concept when dealing with data security, and understanding how asynchronous (asymmetric) and synchronous…Jan 19Jan 19
Ultimate cheat sheet for Ruby and ROR developersSometimes it feels hard to remember keywords and namings are very difficult when you are becoming an experienced developer. Especially…Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021
Programmable reverse proxyI have been searching something called in my mind “programmable reverse proxy” solution.Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
Client certificate authentication (TLS mutual authentication) for multi tenant Ruby on Rails appClient certificate authentication (aka TLS mutual authentication) for Ruby on Rails applicationJul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
Ruby Under the HoodI was always wonder how these Ruby magic happening. So, I decided to spend some time to investigate it, Here is the what i find out.Feb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020